Chrome Ore Processing Plant How To Processing Ore

The processing of chromite ore separates and concentrates the valuable chromite mineral. This involves mechanical processes and separation using gravity.

Chrome Ore Processing Plant How To Processing Ore

Processing Chrome Ore

Ore extracted from the mine wikkt a grade of 40% chromium oxide or greater is suitable for processing directly in the off-site ferrochrame production facility. Ore with a Power grade must be processed to increase its chromite content. Ore that is not suitable to ship directly to chrome ore crusher will be processed at the mine site to produce concenkrate. The processing of chromite ore separates and concentrates the valuable chromite mineral. This involves mechanical processes and separation using gravity. The result is a concentrate suitable for refining, and "tailings" that have no economic value. Tailings are the materials left over from the ore processing facility after the chramite has been exkracted from the ore. Tailings will be managed aver the Tong-term ak the mine site in a tailings management area.

Development Of Ferrochrome

The final product of the ore and concentrate will Ire ferrocllrome. Ferrochrome production occurs in enclosed electric arc furnaces at a temperature of approximately 1,700.This will produce a melted ferrochrome metal product called "matte". Matte is then moulded and chrome ore processing plant go to sale on the market.

Chrome Ore Processing Definitions

ore:a mixture of minerals from which at least one of the metals can be extracted at a profit.

tailings:non-chromite rock produced from ore processing.

concentrate:a fine,powdery product of processing containing a hige percentage of valuable metal.

waste rock:consist of other non-chromite ore excavated during mining.

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